We always think of Halloween as a recent addition to the Australian cultural landscape, but the tradition was alive and well back in 1913, with a large celebration, the Halloween Ball, being held at Yaralla on the 31st of October. Guests travelled up the Parramatta River on the SS Bronzewing, leaving from Fort Macquarie (Bennelong Point) at 6.15 pm and returning at 1am. 54 guests enjoyed the illuminated gardens on arrival. The house was decorated inside and out in black, yellow and silver with jack -o- lanterns, cats, spiders, broomsticks, witches and bats. In the Billiard room there was a variety of fundraising activities such as blowing out candles and looking into a mirror to predict one’s future. There was also a fortune telling cave erected, where the participant was allowed to ask three questions for the fortune teller to answer. In the Drawing Room dinner was served at 7.30pm. There was a Halloween inspired menu, with dishes such as Magic Rings, Witches Brew and Fairy Umbrellas, all washed down with Magic Potion, of course. A big cauldron was lit up in the grounds, where guests appeared at midnight dressed as witches and danced around it.
Jenny Alfonso
Coupe, S. (1983). Concord: A centenary history. Concord Municipal Council.
Skehan, T. (2000). The Walkers of Yaralla. P Skehan Publishing.
Photograph of the SS Bronzewing https://timelessmoon.getarchive.net/amp/media/sydney-ferry-bronzewing-as-altered-fa44ff