City of Canada Bay Heritage Society

City of Canada Bay Museum

City of Canada Bay Museum

Thomas Walker Convalescent Hospital (Rivendell) photo

Thomas Walker Convalescent Hospital (Rivendell)

Walker family at Yaralla photo

Yaralla Estate

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Cavalcade of Fashion poster image

Saturday, 15th March, 2025

Yaralla Estate
Open Day

Sunday, 27th October, 2024

10:00am – 1:30pm

Open Days 2025

Dame Eadith Walker Estate (Yaralla)
Thomas Walker Convalescent Hospital (Rivendell)

use the Open Day tours tab below to sign up and be notified of the dates

Use of Yaralla grounds

To enquire about the use of the Yaralla grounds for commercial or any other use, please contact:

The Manager
Sydney Local Health District

  • To foster interest in and inform the community of the heritage – historically and culturally – of the City of Canada Bay LGA.
  • To promote the preservation, restoration, conservation, maintenance and use of all places, buildings, monuments, etc., of historic, architectural, cultural and environmental significance within the area.
  • To acquire and preserve for the Society, books, manuscripts, newspapers, photographs, oral histories, etc., as may be considered to have a bearing on the history of the area.
  • To establish and conduct a social history museum.
  • To foster interchange of information among members of the Society and any other interested people, by talks, readings, discussions, exhibitions of heritage, historical and archival material, and excursions.
  • To affiliate and co-operate with other Societies and Institutions having objects similar to those of this Society
Map-of-Suburbs-of-CCB drawing
Map of Suburbs City of Canada Bay

Open Days are subject to Covid restrictions and may be cancelled.

Tours of the Yaralla Estate (Dame Eadith Walker Convalescent Hospital) are usually held on the last Sunday in April and October.

Tours of “Rivendell” (The Thomas Walker Convalescent Hospital) are usually held on the last Sunday in July.

Link to more information on Open Days at Yaralla and Rivendell

If you would like to add your name to our waiting list to be notified of the next tour of these estates, complete the form (right).

You will be notified approximately two months prior to the date of the tour.

City of Canada Bay Heritage Society Inc.

Our monthly newsletter “Nurungi”, keeps members and others advised of coming speakers or activities as well as news of the society and it contains interesting articles and snippets of historical information that have been added to the web site during the month.

Complete the “Subscribe to Nurungi” form (right) to be added to the mailing list and receive the latest “Nurungi” monthly newsletter sent at the end of each month).

City of Canada Bay Heritage Society Inc.

March speaker: Joseph Conrad’s Eastern Voyages

The life of Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski reads like an adventure story. Jozef (Joseph Conrad) was born in Poland in 1857 and was a Polish British novelist. He spent fifteen years sailing on the classic three-masted, square-rigged sailing clippers. During this period, he worked his way up from apprentice to third mate, to second mate,…

Cavalcade of fashion

The City of Canada Bay Heritage Society in conjunction with the Cavalcade of Fashion and the Seniors Festival presents The Fabulous Fifties Saturday 15th March 10.30 – 12.30 (bookings essential) Canada Bay Heritage Society Museum (1 Bent Street, Concord) Cost : $10 includes morning tea Pay at the door on the day. Contact: Roz Miller…

The street where you live: Zoeller Street

Daniel Zoeller was born in Darmstadt Germany in 1831. He emigrated to Australia in 1856 with his wife Katherine and their first child Elizabeth. They settled in Ada Street Concord, at the home called “Pine Cottage”. (NSW Government Gazette p1448 1883) Daniel was naturalised an Australian citizen at Government House, Sydney on 11 April 1866(NSW…

Museum closed for painting -reopening Saturday 1st March, 2025.

The City of Canada Bay Museum is undergoing maintenance and painting. The Museum will reopen Saturday 1st March, 2025.

Charles Bergevin (Langevin): A Canadian Convict at the Longbottom Stockade

by A.J. Bergevin In November 2024 I embarked on a journey to research my ancestral grandfather, Charles Bergevin, who was a prisoner at the Longbottom Stockade. I visited the City of Canada Bay Museum, where there was a display and information about the Longbottom Stockade, as well as the Canadian exile monument in Bayview Park….

Vale Lois Michel OAM 1931-2024

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of our most dedicated member, Lois Michel on Sunday 1st December, 2024. Lois had been the Secretary of the Concord Historical Society and then the Canada Bay Heritage Society since its inception in 1969. She was awarded the OAM for her service to the community….

Christmas greetings

The City of Canada Bay Heritage Society wishes all our members and readers a very Happy Christmas and New Year. We thank everyone who has supported the City of Canada Bay Heritage Society, volunteered at the Museum and at the open days at the Yaralla Estate and Rivendell. The work the Society does to; promote,…

Lois Michel, her legacy and her wedding dress

Lois Michel OAM is a living treasure of the City of Canada Bay Heritage Society. Lois has been the Secretary of the Society since the inception of the Concord Heritage Society in 1969 only stepping down this year due to poor health. The City of Canada Bay Heritage Society was formed by the amalgamation of…

Mayoral minute: Tribute to Lois Michel

Correys Ave and Correys Gardens

Correys Ave runs between Major’s Bay Road and Concord Road. It is named in honour of Thomas Obed Correy Junior in recognition of his contribution to the community over many years. He served on Concord Council and, in fact, was an Alderman on the first Concord Council, set up in 1983. He was also mayor…

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