Concord’s New Light – Electricity for Gas – Memorial Gates to Mr. Zoeller

To celebrate the installation of electric street lighting and the opening of the Zoeller memorial gates at St. Luke’s Park, the Mayor and aldermen of Concord held a dinner at Correy’s Gardens, Cabarita, last evening. The function was preceded by the official opening by the Mayor (Ald. D. Manning) of the gates at the south-western corner* of the park, as a tribute to the late Ald. Daniel Zoeller, who was an alderman of the municipality from 1883 to 1908.

The gates comprise four massive concrete pillars, with fretted ironwork, and are substantial rather than ornate.

The Mayor, after paying a glowing tribute to the public services rendered by Mr. Zoeller, declared the gates open, amid enthusiasm. 

Ald. Chapman warmly eulogised the late Mr. Zoeller, whose public services, he said, had always been given cheerfully.

The Mayor occupied the chair at the dinner, and an adjournment was made for the turning on of the new electric system. A 100-candle-power light flashed over the dark street, cheers being given. The new system derives its power from the city, whence the current emerges at a strength of 10,000 volts, transformed at four centres in Concord, down to 240 volts. There are about 300 lamps, some of 50, others of 100 candle-power.

The two events of the day were made the subject of a toast., in the hands of the Mayor, who declared that Mr. Zoeller’s name was highly honoured by the municipality.

“Ten years ago this municipality did not have a light in it,” declared the Mayor; in regard to the electric installations. He recounted the hard fight to have the district lighted, till at length a gas installation was made. Under the new scheme the contract was much better than that with the gas company. There was now twice the number of lights, and the lighting was much better. (Applause.)

Mr, Forbes McKay, chief electrical engineer to the City Council, gave his opinion that no man ever had a more enthusiastic staff than he did. His real trouble was to prevent his staff from doing too much, for fear of losing their health. (Applause.)

(Trove Newspapers:  Daily Telegraph  Wed. 31 Dec 1913)

* St Luke’s Park was where Concord Oval is now located.  The gates were originally on the corner of Parramatta Road and Burton Street, but were moved to Burton Street later.

Daniel Zoeller (City of Canada Bay LocalStudies)

Alderman Daniel Zoeller (1831-1911) was born Heinrich Daniel Zoeller in Hombert, Germany.  He immigrated to Australia in 1858 and settled in Concord, where he worked as a builder and decorator,  He served as an Alderman on Concord Council from 1883 to 1908 and Mayor of Concord 1892-1893.  Zoeller Street is named after him.


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