I resume my friend’s chronology:- “Died September 18 Mr. Edward Smith-Hall in the 75th year of his age.
This gentleman I think was the first secretary of the Bank of New South Wales when that institution opened for business in Macquarie Place in 1817; he was also, I think, connected with the “Monitor” newspaper and had a ‘row’ over his pew at St James’ Church.
When the pew was boarded over Mr. Hall procured chairs and placed them on top seating his family in this elevated position during at least one part of the marriage service on July 25 (1860) at Trinity Church by Reverend Edward Rogers – Thomas Walker Esq. of “Yaralla” Concord to Jane, daughter of the late Thomas Hart Esq. of St. Andrews.
Mr. Walker was a wealthy merchant and pastoralist to whom we are indebted for the Walker Convalescent Hospital on the Parramatta River; he was the father of the munificent Miss Eadith Walker.
Truth 17th December 1911
“Old Sydney”