We’d like to share with you a couple of items from David Sansome’s talk at our map unveiling.

The photograph, circa 1900, is of Parramatta Road, Five Dock.   The 8-mile signpost can be seen on the left of the pole.   As one of our guests informed us, it is close to the intersection of present-day Croydon Road and Parramatta Road.

A letter to the Editor of the SMH, published 5th May, 1890.

Sir,-I desire, through the medium of your paper, to draw the attention of the Works Department to the present state of the above road. It has been left in such a state lately by workmen laying pipes for the Water and Sewerage Board that it is positively dangerous, and particularly so at the entrance to the Wharf-road , Concord, where a large mound has been raised, over which, unless persons driving are especially careful, they are likely to come to grief. The road is also in a bad state of repair, and now, what with the late rains and the careless way the excavation made for water pipes have been filled up, is a disgrace to the Government, who, I believe, are responsible for its Care. Perhaps the members for our district, who are so profuse at promises at election time, will exert themselves, and endeavour to get something done to it. I am, &c.,    May 2. CONCORD.

(Note:  Wharf Road has now been changed to Burwood Road.   The more things change, the more they stay the same.  Ed)

A report published in The Australian Star (Sydney), Wed 23 Jan 1901

According to local statements that portion of the Parramatta Road has been destroyed by the mobs of cattle which are driven along it to the abattoirs, a delegation from a local council met with the Works Minister, Mr M O’Sullivan,  yesterday to discuss the matter.  Some time ago, it was explained, the council expended  ₤1,013 on repairs to the road, but the tramp of innumerable cattle feet has broken everything up and the road was worse than ever.

It was suggested that the Government should take the matter in hand and spend at least ₤1,000 on repairs to the thoroughfare.  Mr. O’Sullivan assured the deputation of his sympathy but explained that he had no money available for such purposes at present.  If, however, they repeated the request about the end of May he would see what he could do.


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