Have you ever looked closely at the different notes in your wallet, or do you just glance superficially, interested only in the denomination?
You all know and recognise the persons depicted on each note, but have you ever looked more closely at the rest of the decorations surrounding the portrait?
I must confess that I hadn’t. Not until I was preparing last month’s newsletter and the articles on the Royal Flying Doctor Service, when I came across the following diagram.
The design also incorporates innovative security features including a patch with a rolling-colour effect and microprint of excerpts from Flynn’s book.
Australian theatre has a long and distinguished history. It is a history which was influenced by both the United States and Britain. British born entrepreneurs were the fathers of Australian theatre. Despite the shadow of the two great powers, Australian theatre had it’s own peculiar characteristics. It grew to be a unique institution for a…
A prominent Sydney physician, Dr George Fortescue, bought an estate on the Parramatta River in 1851. He named the area “Chiswick” after the village on the Thames River and his home “Wymston” after the Fortescue family estate in Devonshire. Blackwall Point Road was laid out in the late 1870’s but few houses were built in…
The passenger steamer SS Warrimoo was quietly knifing its way through the waters of the mid Pacific on its way from Vancouver to Australia. The navigator had just finished working out a star fix and brought Captain John D.S. Phillips the result. The Warrimoo’s position was LAT 0°31’N and LONG 179°30’W. The date was 31st…
You hear this argument all the time these days. Everything is made of plastic. It’s never built to last. It breaks when you sneeze on it or drop it once. We all like to think back to the days when things were tougher, better-built, longer-lasting and looked nicer. But while some products were made from…
The first rugby club to represent the district was Burwood, which competed in the Sydney Metropolitan Competition until the introduction of district rugby. The club was formed in 1900 but had to change its name to Western Suburbs District Rugby Union Football Club to satisfy municipal aldermen when it sought a lease on St Luke’s…
Rev. Robert Samuel McKee Pickup, MC, ED Robert Pickup was born in Auburn on 30 December 1888. His early education was at Auburn Public School and thereafter at Baptist College in Parkville Victoria. He graduated from there in 1914 and was ordained into the ministry. When war broke out, Robert returned to Sydney where he…