Coming Ready or Not

Coming Ready or Not

Japanese Midget Submarines enter Sydney Harbour. The boom safety net protection across Sydney Harbour was designed in January of 1942 and its construction began that month.  It was located at the narrowest point of the inner harbour entrance, between George’s Head on Middle Harbour, and Green Point on Inner South Head.  This protective net was…

A Southerly Buster approaching

Old Sydney’s Physician: the Southerly Buster

In 1910 Henry Lawson wrote the following lines celebrating Sydney’s restorative Southerly Buster; ‘Tis a glorious mission, Old Sydney’s PhysicianBroom, Bucket  and Cloth of the East,‘Tis a breeze and a sprayer that answers our prayer,And it’s free to the greatest and least. Often down on his luck, Lawson identified with the city’s urban poor; those…