Tennyson Road

Named to honour Hallam, Baron Tennyson (1852-1928), the eldest son of Alfred Tennyson (the poet). Hallam became Governor of South Australia (1899), and Governor-general in 1902, which appointment was confirmed in 1903 – and he resigned in 1904 to return to England.

McDonald Street

Named after Alexander McDonald, the adopted son of John Ward, an early owner of much of present day Cabarita and Mortlake. Alexander McDonald, as heir of the Ward properties, finally sold his inheritance.

Bennett Street

Probably to honour William Christopher Bennett (1824-1889), Engineer and Surveyor, who arrived in New South Wales in 1855 and accepted a position in the Public Service. He helped to form the Department of Roads and later became Commissioner for Main Roads – which probably is the reason for there being 32 “Bennett” avenues, streets and…